Time Management Techniques Recruiters Must Use

Why is Time Management Important?

Time management helps us prioritize our tasks so that we have enough time to complete all our projects. Substantially it increases the quality of our work when we are not rushing to complete our work ahead of a fast-approaching deadline.


Time Management Techniques

#1 Writing everything down, A to-do list:

The first step to successful time management is writing everything down. It helps us access all our tasks in a single place. It helps us:

  1. Avoid forgetting tasks to be done
  2. Avoid wasting energy trying to keep everything in your head


Take stock – Start your battle with time management by examining what you are already doing.

  • What works? What doesn’t? What are you not sure about? What activities, tasks are you chained to?

  • Make a list of these things.


Measure results – Most recruiters rarely measure their results. Ask yourselves what you have accomplished? At the end of the day, week, month, or year, look back on:

  • How many candidates were hired?
  • How many candidates are satisfied with their position after a few months?
  • How much money have you made?
  • Did you satisfy your client’s needs?
  • How many quality relationships have you built with corporates?

#2 Planning:


Writing down the tasks is just the first step. The second step involves taking time to review them and planning them in advance. It helps us:

  1. Relax at the end of each working day as you have planned everything for tomorrow
  2. Jump right into work the next morning without any delay

Set goals – It is important to set goals for yourself. If you have two major reports due in a week’s time, consider using half the week to complete the other. If you do not have a sufficient amount of time, consider asking for more time. Knowing your limits and priorities can help you set realistic goals with confidence.

Deal with Email – Email beats down every recruiter if they are not involved in controlling it. There is simply too much email coming in, and you have to check it because it’s crucial to your job. It can sometimes be really exhausting and can impact your productivity.




  • Set aside a certain time for managing all the incoming mails.
  • Turn off notifications and always close email tabs in the browser
  • Use labels to mark emails according to their priority
  • Reply to first priority emails that you can answer quickly
  • Delegate some mails to other team members
  • Archive or delete unwanted messages

This helps us organize both our time and inbox.



Timeboxing is working in periods of time where you focus on a single activity during whatever timeframe you have allocated. Once you have planned out your day, ranging from urgent to important, you set a timeframe and work only on tasks that fit into the timebox. As a recruiter, it may mean spending an hour following up with candidates or two hours interviewing.




Kanban is a system designed to help you gain control over gigantic to-do lists that are common for a recruiter’s daily routine. Recruiters can use it to track candidates from the initial stages through their recruitment. The basis of the system includes sorting tasks into “To do”, “Doing”, “Done.” It can be done on a whiteboard or through digital Kanban apps.


#3 Prioritizing:

A crucial step to successful time management is prioritizing. The goal is to work smarter, not harder.


It means that if you complete all your difficult and hectic tasks early, you will be stress-free and more productive the rest of the day. Organize your tasks and mark them according to their priority and importance and complete them by starting with the most urgent and important ones keeping tasks that can be delegated or discarded at the last.


The Eisenhower matrix is a simple decision-making tool. It divides tasks into four types:

  1. IMPORTANT AND URGENT – tasks that should be done immediately
  2. IMPORTANT BUT NOT URGENT – tasks that need to be scheduled
  3. URGENT BUT NOT IMPORTANT – tasks that need to be delegated
  4. NOT IMPORTANT AND NOT URGENT – tasks that should be dropped


With the ability to create projects, make notes, prioritize, your level of working efficiency and productivity will increase.


Benefits of Time Management

  1. Stress Relief
  2. Ability to Realize Goals
  3. Improve Quality of Work
  4. Enhances Decision-Making Abilities
  5. Improves Personal Relationships


Stress Relief:

  • Do you feel as if you are busy all the time, but accomplish very little?
  • Are there things keeping you up through the night?
  • Are you unable to complete your tasks?


If you answered “yes” to one or more of the questions, you’re most likely stressed. If we don’t have control of time and are always frantically working to meet deadlines, it will most likely spoil our health. Time management reduces and even eliminates stress.

Ability to Realize Goals:

Being in control of time is good for productivity. Having good time management skills lets you control your life and take the lead at work. We rarely procrastinate and waste time. We work smarter and definitely not longer than you have to.

Improve Quality of Work:

According to research, most people get insufficient or low-quality sleep and report that it interferes with their daily lives. We become inefficient and the quality of work done is very bad compared to the one we would have done if we had a good night’s sleep. Time management techniques will help you get the rest you need.

Enhances Decision-Making Abilities:

Stress and Sleep have a great impact on the quality of your decisions, which affects almost every aspect of your life from social to personal. Through effective time management, you can avoid poor decision-making that is done when we are stressed, tired, or pressured.

Improves Personal Relationships:

Better Time management means more time to spend with friends and family. You’ll make better decisions have better ideas, and people around will notice. Stronger personal relationships will enhance all aspects of your life.


Final Words:

We have the ability to easily tackle all our hectic tasks and make them manageable if we organize them properly. It satisfies us, our clients, and the job candidates.