Key to Build a Startup Business

Building a Startup Business is a challenging thing you can do that’s why you need to approach it the right way, be aware of what you’re getting into, and know all the options available.

  • Understand that it’s not easy.

Building your own startup might sound exciting and it is but be aware of the hard realities. Keeping a startup going is tough and involves long working days and sleepless nights.

40% of small business owners say they don’t take vacations

And have almost all of their money tied up in their business, the key is to work on something you’re really passionate about which is worth skipping all those vacations for that passion is what will keep you going through the hard times.


  • Surround yourself with the best people possible

Most of the time you’ll build your startup as one of a team of founders.

The Average Size of a Start-up in the USA is 5 people

Make sure you have skills that complement each other and a similar idea of what everybody’s tasks are that everybody has a similar work ethic and when you employ staff goes for people that can see your vision and have a similar passion for your Startup, this will make them your best advocates as well as your best worker.


  • Find a Mentor

You can’t possibly know everything yourself or have all the skills experience and insights needed to get your startup off the ground especially when you’re new to it, it’s up to your mentor to guide you through your first steps and beyond. In the area you live in check out accelerator programs that help to get small businesses up and running they’ll provide mentor schemes and may help to get funding.

And also try to attend local business meetups or groups on social networking sites.


  • Research the Market

Research the demographics of your customer base and know all about their habits. Look at your competitor’s websites and see how you measure up to them and read what their customers say about them on social media, this will help you understand what’s going on in your area of the market like what customers want and where you’ll fit into it terms of,

Price, Quality, and What you Offer


  • Create a powerful message

Create a powerful message when you talk to potential customers and investors, you’ll need to clearly express the customer problem that you’re solving a brief statement of what makes your Startup so valuable what’s called ‘Value Proposition’

Discover what yours is and use it to make a great sales pitch.


  • Write a Business Plan

This is an essential step of starting any business, it’ll help you figure out what you need to do to get up and running and statistics show it makes you twice as likely to get an investment capital or a loan simply put the business plan is an outline of what you want to do and how you’re planning on getting there it’ll usually cover the first three to five years of your business strategy and some of the key points that should contain are;

  • A Market Analysis and how you’ll fit in
  • A Description of your Management and Organization
  • A Breakdown of your Products and Services
  • Sales and Marketing Strategies


  • Value your Customers

Customers are your number one priority you wouldn’t be in the business you’re in if it weren’t for them so once you’ve got them keep up a great relationship with them and they’ll keep coming back.

Listen to everything they have to say about your business and respond to their feedback and to really make them feel valued, thank them for their support with a discount promotion or a handwritten note.


  • Cover all of your legal requirements

Make sure that the company is set up properly with the help of a lawyer, choose the most appropriate structure for your business.

And also Get a Qualified Accountant to do your accounting. Make sure you’re complying with the national tax regulations. This will mean bringing in professionals. Yes, this will cost too much money, but not doing these steps properly will cost you a lot more in the long run.   


  • Become an Expert in Marketing

Get a good knowledge of online marketing;

  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Pay-per-click Advertising


So, these are different kinds of challenges startups will bring but there’s one vital thing you need to take care of,

it’s Look after Yourself building a Startup is filled with high pressure and uncertainty so you need to be aware of mental health it’ll keep you a clear mindset and you’ll successfully make a startup.