The real risk with AI isn’t malice but competence. A super-intelligent AI will be extremely good at accomplishing its goals, and if those goals aren’t aligned with ours, we’re in trouble”

                                   STEPHEN HAWKING, THEORETICAL PHYSICIST   


We all had the idea of the product of science fiction when we heard the word of Artificial Intelligence in past many years. In recent days AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the most advanced technology used in all fields. According to the World Economic Forum’s report, AI has the future to fulfill 85 million jobs by the year 2025. Now it is a recent trend in human resources. 


What is AI?

Artificial Intelligence is the stimulation of human activities and intelligence by machines and computers. AI became the future of every field because of the belief that machines can do every complicated task not only in mechanical activity but also in which required human wisdom to participate. AI was used by only 32% of workers in 2018 but now it hiked to 50%.



AI mingled with HR:

In today’s competitive market every organization requires highly talented people. So the HR department has the responsibilities from recruiting to onboarding the perfect candidate for the accurate position  This process needs more speed, accuracy, and personalization. This is properly implemented by the ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. This is not only the reason for the increase in the adoption of AI. Based on the IDC prediction that spending would increases to $97.9 billion on AI by 2023, so the pandemic also created a way for it.   According to the survey of Gartner AI is used as 17% in HR functions and is expected to reach 30% in 2020. AI gives a new priority to Human Resources. When HR requires leaders and teams to develop the fluency of AI it will be a reinventing of that field.


How is AI implemented in HR?

Many companies required AI in the talent acquisition process. Because these are the important activities must be done by significantly and accurately. We will see how it works on there.


In Recruitment process:

The most important step in recruitment is screening the candidates. That means we reject the applications which are not suitable for the job. The main obligation is we make it in a short time period and also select the correct one. The AI is used to easily done the process based on the information we give to it.  for example for this process, some organization’s talent acquisition team created a virtual intelligence used to screening the candidates those are applying for the vacancy positions. They are using artificial intelligence is called JIM (Jobs Intelligence Maestro),. It requires 32 minutes for screening, 8 minutes for improving the completion rate of job applications, and also responding to all 96% of candidates.


For conducting interviews:

A 2016 research study by CareerBuilder found that 75% of employers recruit the wrong person that leads to an increase in the cost of 2.5X salary. The most recent trend from 2020 is AI Interviews due to this pandemic situation. Many organizations approach this idea to select the candidate. In this process, the AI asked the questions and scored them based on their facial expressions, audio responses and etc. This broke the barrier of selection based on age, color, religion, etc.


Onboarding new hires:

AI is used in this stage for helping the new hires such as which documents should carry on the first day, clarifying the details about the task and responsibilities regarding the job, and also arrange the meeting with the co-workers, etc. For this purpose, they used Natural Language Processing (NLP), which understands and processes the human language successfully. To invite the new hires and present them to the co-workers done by Chatbots. All the required documents for verifying employee’s details and information are done by the Optical Character Recognition (OCR). 


Boost up the employee’s performance:

When the customers make a call to your organization AI helps to forward the call to the correct department based on their complaints or needs. This reduces the time-consuming, frustration of the customer and also prevents the productivity of the employees.

Like the Bank Of America organizing a national training program for the front line employees of the bank. This program did by John Jordan who leads The Academy and Advisor Development at that bank. According to John, when the front-line employees understand their client’s real needs and want that leads to the success of the bank. But Center for Creative Leadership conducted research through this they stated that if emotional intelligence and empathy developed, it would give a better job performance for both front-line employees and leaders.


Learning and training:

Learning has the ability to create an impact on the organization. That may be influenced by age, ethnicity, cultural background, and other factors. AI also helps the employee in learning and training. Based on their job and skills they updated themselves with the new innovations and technologies. Many companies arrange many e-learning platforms to enhance the employee’s skills. A research study done by Oracle stated that 27% of HR leaders think that AI will be a powerful and positive solution for employee training and development.


Future of AI in HR:

Many of us have the thought that the expansion in the AI in future will take the human parts in the organization. But the truth is it is innovated to help the human not to occupy their position. This is also confirmed by the Future of Jobs Report from the World Economic Forum. According to their project, they stated that 133 million new jobs will create in the future.

Whenever we think about AI with HR the only thought that comes to our mind is an analytical application, where the technique used some previous history, data, and algorithms in a smarter way. But there are huge opportunities available in this field. some of them,

  • Many smart home devices are used to learn and understand human behavior. This type of thermostat helps us to increase our daily convenience and reduces the cost.
  • Some apps help us to recognize writing problems through natural language processing and also polishes the writing structures. They used the primitive AI that’s lead to reducing our time and increase our readability.
  • Some AI translator available to avoid the struggle of employees those faced the language barriers. This type of translator normally has 8 languages, that expected to hike more than 500 languages.
  • Some people feel difficult to take notes during a conference, but now the AI bot takes the entire notes for you after dialed it. It will send the notes directly to your inbox after the call is over.
  • Usually, everyone has a bunch of emails in our inbox. But the smart reply features have the ability to analyze our emails and suggest quick and bit-sized responses we may want to send.
  • For recruiting done by AI assistant that allows us to focus on entire candidate management, an AI-powered Robot-Recruiter that searches the candidate which used the voice recognition.
  • Some AI virtual assistants are used for the automation process of scheduling meetings.