Some of the major issues faced by employees migrating to new workplaces can be listed down
as follows:

Lack of confidence:

After many types of research on this topic, it has been found that this is one of the major problems faced by employees in a new workplace. People like find it difficult to forget the level of easiness they got to experience in their workplace and are stuck upon this nostalgic feeling which leads to a whole pessimist mindset and it’s quite difficult climbing up from this pit.

The trouble of fitting in:

The trouble of fitting in a new group is evident and unavoidable. The new work culture adaption will surely require quite an amount of time. The whole process can be frustrating.

Making mistakes:

A newer workplace comes along with unwanted tension and nervousness. This is something that boosts the chances of creating more and more mistakes. Mistakes occur to everyone but this nervousness caused by mistakes reduces the chances for a creation of a good impression among the co-workers.

Gaining Trust:

It takes quality time to fit in and be trusted by co-workers. A new worker is least heard and is least expected to place worthful ideas on the table. This can lead to frustration for many but there is no way, but to prove oneself worthy.


Slackers lower the productivity of a newly joined employee drastically. It can affect one’s mentality and also degrade the talents and skills one has.

Office Bullies:

Some of them just want to drive you crazy because you are too good. They increase anxiety and stress. They try to make you feel bad and want to bring you down to their level.

Whiners and complainers:

This group of people just search for the negative side of you. They try to show the negative side of your work every single time. This attitude can be harmful to morale and increase the pessimism in you.


This is one widely seen thing in the workplaces. Sometimes the newly joined employee can is discriminated against on social norms and this can degrade the mental stability of the person and make him feel the idea of coping up is impossible. This can also have adverse effects on the person and can harm his total potential.



Most of the change of workplace or switching of organization condition occurs as a result of self-interest. As one looks forward to new opportunities and better living conditions born out of a better pay scale, it’s quite obvious why people have a tendency to drift towards companies or organizations that provide these. A person migrating in search of better opportunities and life will not have more obstacles to hurdle in the new workplace compared to someone who moved out due to other factors because it’s someone he/she chooses. He finds it easier getting camouflaged within.


Company policies change due to a variety of reasons and this change comes with many employees losing their jobs or getting replaced. Sometimes, they are forced to resign from their previous organization due to the salary cut or degrading quality of work. Here, the situation is quite difficult for the employees as the migration is not something they planned. Here, the employees have larger obstacles to hurdle and take time to cope up with the new workplace.


A recession is something that comes totally out of the box. There can be a lot of reasons which boost economic recessions. This leads to many people losing their jobs and remain unemployed. Sometimes, people who have worked in an organization for a long time are forced to leave and search for new workplaces. This whole situation is pathetic. People with such experience in a company already don’t get coped up with new workplaces and new roles especially in their older phase of life. We can take the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. People who considered their live sound and had not even the slightest thought of losing their jobs ended up losing their jobs and this kind of unemployment situation worldwide is a thing to be looked upon during this pandemic.


As already mentioned there can be a lot of initiatives boosting a global recession. One of the major ones the world has witnessed recently is the Covid-19 pandemic. The whole population was locked in their respective homes thereby changing the whole structure of how an organization works. The idea of Work from Home was introduced everywhere and all the employees had to follow it. But guess what, most of the senior employees working in a single organization for a long time found it as difficult as climbing Everest. Some who were bound to do site works lost their jobs completely. This led to certain serious problems and as mentioned earlier the increasing unemployment is something that should be looked upon. Some of the organizations faced severe economic losses and found it mandatory to cut job posts short and turned their backs upon most of the employees. So, what came next was a lot of people who had no other option but to migrate to new workplaces. One of the first obstacles to tackle became the unavailability of jobs in midst of such a global situation. Also, those who managed to get in were not at all ready to cope up with the scenario of a new workplace, and it’s obvious stuff worthless complaining about. Hence it’s quite concludable that the Covid-19 pandemic has really accelerated the urge for the change of workplace.



Organizational transformation and change of workplace are difficult. Realization and acceptance of this fact are mandatory. Only then one can climb the steps of coping up with this changed atmosphere. Change is constant and this is inevitable.

Be optimistic:

Maintaining a positive attitude is one of the major keys to the success of fitting into a new workplace. Come to terms that your new situation might not be perfect and accept that maybe you will be confronted with a better salary and better payout her and there is always scope for development. Maintaining a negative attitude will surely be noticed by the employer and the co-workers and
they won’t be pleased to work with you. Always believe that eventually, everything will fall in place.


Always have an idea about how worth you are. Regularly evaluate yourself, this increases the quality of oneself. Have a clear idea of what skills you have and all the things you have achieved. Have an estimate of what are the new skills you want to acquire and what your goals are in the new workplace. Talk to people and set achievable goals.


Always talk to people and try to mingle with your new colleagues. This helps you in unexplainable manners. Find people who already sat in your chair and ask them to guide you so that can you achieve the required skillset and speed. Asking questions is also a positive attitude. Clear all your doubts and make sure you complete a task only by getting to know every related thing. Always be equipped and in no time, you will find yourself a comfortable member of your new workplace. Never make it late to get talking to people as your performance will start slacking and the colleagues and employer will start noticing.

Maintain connection with previous co-workers:

You should never cut yourself off from your previous colleagues as they are always assets for you in the future. They become extremely beneficial down the road. They could be of great help both mentally as well as physically. They could also become your lifeline back to your previous company if things don’t go as planned.

Make your colleagues comfortable:

The same uneasiness might also be felt by your colleagues. Make sure that they don’t have a tough time adjusting to you. Make things easier and try matching their wavelength from the very beginning. Then they will also find it easier working with you and can help you out in a good manner. Things end up well for both parties in the end.

Maintain a schedule:

As you are a new worker and it’s a new workplace for you it is very important to build an impression and make sure people feel you are worthy of the new shoes you are in. Be punctual and maintain a fixed schedule. Set achievable goals with proper deadlines and keep yourself occupied and try hard in proving yourself. Everything will be noticed by the managers as well as your colleagues and they end up summarising that you are worth to fit in them and hence the tight initial schedule always ends up being beneficial for you.

Ask more questions:

Never get out of the habit of asking questions and clarifying all your doubts. If you don’t know anything, make sure you get to know it. Asking questions and getting a clear idea always improves your knowledge of the subject. It also creates an impression among your employers that you are responsible. You can show that you are paying attention to what they have to say. In the long run, it makes you a better person and helps you to develop further in the new role. These basic steps can help you cope up with the new workplace easily. It can help you hurdle all the obstacles and take you to success.