How to enhance managerial performance in work culture

Effective management is about doing the right things at the right time. To be effective at managing people, they must be good managers of themselves. Some managers believe that effectiveness is something a person is born with and cannot be inculcated. However, effectiveness can be taught and mastered with practice. The training for effectiveness involves identifying the importance of knowledge and people for an organization.



Stress Management

Stress is the body’s reaction to the external demands placed upon it by the environment. Stress can be handled by practicing yoga, meditation, pranayama, etc. In order to treat stress-related disorders, holistic therapies like aromatherapy, massage therapy, etc., can be very effective. Exercise, diet, and rest play a vital role in stress handling.
A healthy person is better at handling stressful situations than an unhealthy person.


Time Management

Time is a very important resource. It cannot be saved and used later, it can only be spent. Therefore, a manager must spend time wisely. Time management is the art of doing things based on priority.


Creativity in Management

Creativity is the process of creating something novel and appropriate. It is the ability to create or bring into existence an idea.  Creativity is the source of innovation. The creative thinking ability can be stunted due to fear of failure, fear of humiliation; fear of risk-taking, etc. by trying to overcome this may help to grow in career.


Leadership and Change Management

Leadership is the function of influencing the behavior of others. The leaders should be able to motivate the employees to achieve the vision which they have for the organization. Managing change is another challenge that a leader faces. The leader needs to control the forces for change existing in the organization to ensure successful change.